Written by Remmie Monahan, Business Development Associate The Transcend Design Generator (TDG) was designed to disrupt. Completing the first 30%…
Written by Remmie Monahan, Business Development Associate The Transcend Design Generator (TDG) was designed to disrupt. Completing the first 30%…
By Thomas Klein, Customer Success Manager A valuable lesson I learned several years ago as a civil engineering project manager…
Written by Adam Tank, Chief Customer Officer Despite a decade in the water industry and attendance at almost every major…
Written by Thomas Klein, Customer Success Manager As a former utility engineering project manager, I understand the difficulty in planning…
Flow scheme diversions were recently added to the Transcend Design Generator. Advanced users of the design generator know that the…
Written by Rudi Botha, Process Engineer Hi Rudi, you’re the lucky draw winner for completing our survey. You have a…
Written by Adam Tank, Chief Customer Officer Sahil Chaini, Imre Toth, and I recently spent three days in Brazil visiting…
Written by Lorenzo Slay, Project Lead In the academic world, Engineering and Science are tightly coupled. Scientific truths form the…
Written by Sahil Chaini, Customer Success Leader Over the past few years, we have had national and international conversations about…
Written by Gabor Varga, Product Owner “Establish a Remote Company Culture” is a stated company goal at Transcend. We are…
The Transcend Design Generator (TDG) now has the capability to design facilities with biological phosphorus removal! We’d like to highlight…
Written by Tamas Mayer, Architectural Engineer CAD is dead and BIM is the future. There’s a term called ’BIM’ floating…