TDG takes water quality, affordability, changing regulations, and emergency resilience into consideration and provides you with successful designs for safe & reliable drinking water systems.
Utility asset owners
Perform the early stages of design for well sites, booster stations, and tank sites to scope projects faster, efficiently plan asset renewal & replacement, improve designs for emergency preparedness & supply, and control project costs & financing.
Go from 0% to 30% design completion in minutes instead of weeks – giving you control of your time and the ability to analyze high volumes of project information, juggle multiple projects, and be more efficient with resource constraints.
Engineering Consultants
Speed up the design process to tackle more work in less time and effort. TDG automatically sizes and selects equipment to free you from spending your time coordinating with vendors so you can spend more time being creative and responsive to clients.
Compare and iterate many design options different drinking water facilities by overseeing an entire matrix of competing project constraints… all in less time than it takes to review basic project criteria. Get answers to clients with greater detail in a shorter timeframe.
Equipment Suppliers
Empower your sales reps to get the right equipment into the hands of the end users faster than ever before.
Place your equipment information directly into the hands of the end users. The Drinking Water TDG enables users to incorporate vendor specific equipment directly in their designs right from the beginning of a project. When users select options for pumps, valves, tanks, chemical dosing skids, coatings, MCCs, or virtually anything else that can be included in a final design, they can select your brand right from day 1.
By utilizing advanced data structures and generative design, the TDG synthesizes industry standards, best practices, and your own knowledge to create preliminary designs in just minutes.
With basic project characteristics and success criteria, such as CAPEX and OPEX optimization, a single user can generate a robust multidisciplinary design:
Image credit: Photo by Blocks Fletcher, Anderson Rian and Glenov Brankovic on Unsplash