Frequently asked questions

Answers for some of the most commonly asked questions about TDG


Transcend Design Generator
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Do I have to download TDG to my computer?

TDG is a fully cloud-based solution, meaning you do not need to download or update the tool on your computer.

Should I have a technical background to use TDG?

We have worked hard to make TDG accessible for everyone – but believe that users with knowledge of water/wastewater treatment will get the most value from TDG.

How is TDG updated?

TDG is updated roughly every two weeks with new design criteria, treatment technologies, and other improvements. Log in here to see the latest version of TDG.

Can I use TDG offline?

Your documents can be downloaded and utilized offline, but all project runs require an active internet connection.

Can I customize branding (colors and logo) for the design documents?

Yes! You are able to log in to TDG and customize your interface and output documents using the self-service configuration portal.

Does my trial account include all the features available in TDG?

Yes and No.  The trial account leverages design rules from Metcalf and Eddy, WEFTEC Papers, Textbooks, and other publicly available design standards. TDG Enterprise allows users to configure the rules to their own designs standards, add custom process units, handle a wider range of influent/effluent/flow/temperature (including industrial), and open up different design input variables for more control.  Contact us to learn more.

How can I request a software demo?

We’d love to hear from you. Contact us at or fill out this form to set up your demo.

How can I request a free trial? How long is it?

You can log-in here and receive a free design credit, which allows access to the platform and your one free project indefinitely.

Am I going to receive technical support during my TDG trial period?

Yes! We’d love to hear from you. Contact us at for help with your trial.

How does TDG protect my information?

TDG is hosted in a secure private cloud with state-of-the-art security and data control practices.  Contact us at if you’d like to learn more.

What outputs are generated by TDG?

Depending on your plan, the TDG platform generates a design basis document, technical description, process flow diagram, P&ID, site layouts, renderings, equipment list, load list, & civil BOQ/BOM. We also work with clients 1:1 to streamline proposals and other types of engineering and commercial documentation. Contact us if you have a specific need, and log in here to see the most up to date documents TDG produces.

Can I get editable version of the output documents?

Yes, all documents can be downloaded in both PDF and editable formats.

I have a feature suggestion for TDG. How can I send it?

We’d love to hear from you! Send a note to

It feels like the software is only applicable for standard designs. Is that true?

This was probably true 10 years ago! Our software coding languages and capabilities have evolved massively since then. Today, TDG does not produce any “standard” designs. NOTHING in the software is based on templates. Every single design produced by the software is unique and custom for that particular set of user inputs, and the user’s OWN design rules. The PFD, P&ID, and BIM model are generated bottom up each time a user runs a design.

Pricing has to be done manually taking into consideration the different specifications for each project.

This is a misperception. We integrate with our clients existing cost databases. Those can be excel based on even an ERP system. Users enter the tender requirements as inputs, and TDG will generate a Mechanical BOQ and Civil BOQ for that given design option. The BOQs pull prices from your costing database, so costing is fast and easy. We are not in the business of maintaining cost databases, that is true. Prices change too often and we believe our clients’ costing is their competitive advantage, so we will not be the one maintaining that information.

The software is not suitable for a company that has such a diverse range of processes and specifications in one offer.

Nearly all of our clients have a very diverse range of processes and specifications. For example, an OEM uses TDG to propose a wide variety of their technologies and processes for both municipal and industrial projects. We also work with many small to mid-size SIs with a similar business model. EPCs use the tool to evaluate different technologies for their clients. And Utilities in the U.K. are running designs for multiple types of projects, everything from wet weather flow to MABR to Trickling Filters to UASB to modeling side stream impact on the main line.

My clients have specific ways of tendering and require unique documentation. This doesn't necessarily meet our needs.

We have actually seen a number of utilities and asset owners come to us about using TDG. Utilities and Asset Owners use TDG to evaluate multiple options for capital planning on an existing project (greenfield or brownfield) before they set a budget and put out a tender. Some even use it to help write the specification for a tender. Utilities and Asset Owners with in-house engineering capabilities will use it in-house, whereas others have their supply chain partners work with us to streamline their engineering and system integratons work. Contact us to discuss your specific use case.

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Technology Providers & OEMs Technology Providers & OEMs

TDG rapidly generates accurate budgetary proposals to help suppliers bid more, win more, and sell more.

Asset Owners and Utilities Asset Owners and Utilities

TDG streamlines the capital planning and conceptual design processes to accelerate project timelines and deliver better outcomes.

EPCs, AECs, and Consultants EPCs, AECs, and Consultants

TDG enables engineering firms to deliver more value to their clients & increase competitiveness.

Individuals Individuals

TDG works for individual engineers who want to grow their business and reduce their non-billable time.

Academic Academic

Transcend supports students and professors around the world to incorporate TDG into their curriculum.


Articles Articles

Read posts written by Transcend team members sharing their points of view on the company mission, vision, and products.

Webinars Webinars

Register for our upcoming webinars or watch on-demand webinars like Transcend’s popular ‘How To’ Series.

Case studies Case studies

Understand how Transcend’s customers are utilizing TDG to bring more value to their customers and grow their businesses.


View a list of the questions we are most frequently asked about our company and our software

Transcend tools Transcend tools

Access a number of tools Transcend has developed to help engineers and industry professionals take back their time.

Security Security

Learn more about Transcend’s security practices


Water and Wastewater Water and Wastewater

TDG creates unique, optimized designs of water & wastewater treatment facilities by automatically combining decisions and calculations from each engineering field.

Power Power

TDG creates unique, optimized designs of T&D assets by automatically combining decisions and calculations from each engineering discipline.


WWTP Design WWTP Design

TDG generates optimized, unique designs for water and wastewater treatment facilities by automating decisions and calculations across engineering fields.

Substation Design Substation Design

TDG generates optimized, unique designs for T&D assets by automating decisions and calculations across engineering disciplines.

Utility Interconnection Hub Utility Interconnection Hub

For transmission providers and power utilities, simplify the interconnection process by integrating TDG into your website to ensure developers submit fully compliant collector substation designs from the start.

White Label Proposal Generator White Label Proposal Generator

Generate qualified leads, elevate your customer experience, and simplify your engineering and channel partner workflows in an intuitive, user-friendly interface integrated into your website.

PFAS Feasibility Study PFAS Feasibility Study

For drinking water utilities, automatically generate accurate CAPEX and OPEX estimates to calculate the cost of upgrading your facility to meet stringent PFAS regulations

Booster Station Design Booster Station Design

Automates and simplify the complex process of designing booster pumping stations

Value Discovery Program Value Discovery Program

For engineering consultants, explore and implement generative design with expert guidance, structured onboarding, and full access to TDG to identify high-value use cases and drive efficiency.